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 Off-Topic / Debate / 9929
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Re: Toys used to be so much better
Sun, 8 Apr 2001 21:24:24 GMT
358 times
My vendetta began when I was a wee lad and the ones that I received for
X-Mas broke after transforming 3 times, and I am a very careful person.

I never had this problem. Maybe you aren't as careful as you think? ;^)

~1st Lieutenant, Fleebnork Division Muffin Head

Dare yo question my carfelnees?!?  I ar the mest crewful person I new!!
Oops, I bimped my heed agast thee waal agen?!?!  Ooch!
Aaron West, Captain LSF Ertbergle

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  Re: Toys used to be so much better
(...) Not when you look at them from a play value/cost standpoint. You could get an Autobot car for about $8.00 back in the day. conversely, Jetfire (VF-1 fighter) cost about $40. The Alpha I had was around $25-30 and the SDF-1 was a similar price. (...) (24 years ago, 8-Apr-01, to

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