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Re: About the set search box...
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 01:08:43 GMT
1022 times
If I had to choose between either a group search or set search on the
main entry page, I'd choose set. Put the group search behind the link in
the case where you can't display both, not the set. Heck, the set search
should be on every page. It's THAT useful. Just an opinion, albeit an
important, and correct, one. (no false modesty here, mind you)

Todd Lehman wrote:

If you're fortunate enough to be running Netscape Navigator, which handles
multiple quick-search boxes on a single page correctly, then you'll get a
second search box on the main homepage.  Its labeled "Search Set Database"
and works just like before.

OTOH, if you're running Internet Explorer, the second search box is replaced
by a static link to the sets search page.

Larry Pieniazek
- - - Web Application Integration!

NOTE: I have left CTP, effective 18 June 99, and my CTP email
will not work after then. Please switch to my Novera ID.

Message is in Reply To:
  About the set search box...
(...) Alrighty, here's the scoop: If you're fortunate enough to be running Netscape Navigator, which handles multiple quick-search boxes on a single page correctly, then you'll get a second search box on the main homepage. Its labeled "Search Set (...) (26 years ago, 23-Jun-99, to lugnet.general)

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