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Re: Fence colours
Tue, 23 Feb 1999 19:50:20 GMT
1287 times
Simon Robinson writes:
Thanks, Gary and every one else who replied. Looks like these fences
have appeared in quite a few colours, though never in large quantities.
I've wanted some blue and yellow ones for quite a while - perhaps that
isn't such a far-fetched dream after all :)

1) 1x16 - these have no base to attach to bricks, so the lattice itself  has • to
attach to other pieces.  I have a bunch of these in grey (from 1980's train
accessories), and I believe that they also exist in white, but I'm not sure
where from.  Maybe other colors?

No you mention it, 5591 MT Red Bird has grey ones of these as well. And
as Steve Bliss mentioned, 6335 Indy Transport has red ones. I never really
thought of these bricks as fences - more as ramps.

3) 2x3 - fence doors.  These are very rare, and came in old train sets from

Oh yes! I remember some of the 70s trains having these in black. I
used to  drool over them in the catalogue.


The 1x16 came in white in 6541-6542

the 2x4 fence are also in a blue-gray (whash) in 5840 belville with a 2x4 door.

the yellow, red and white 2x4 where also easy to find in freestyle in the last
few years.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Fence colours
Thanks, Gary and every one else who replied. Looks like these fences have appeared in quite a few colours, though never in large quantities. I've wanted some blue and yellow ones for quite a while - perhaps that isn't such a far-fetched dream after (...) (26 years ago, 23-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)

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