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Re: I like pink (was Fence colours)
lugnet.general,,, lugnet.trains
Sun, 28 Feb 1999 23:10:00 GMT
2948 times

One of my 1999 New Year's
resolutions:  build a passenger train Belville scale..

Either you are very ambitious, have a ton of bricks somewhere, or
completely crazy, but good luck either way!

My new year's resolution was not to buy any Town Junior, except the
boats for the hulls. As for Scala, my mini-figs have enough to worry
about the Blacktron empire, much less 20 feet giants migrating to
Titanian 6.

Scott Sanburn

John Neal wrote:

Try incorporating Scala!  TLG has divided and conquered my bank account as my family
tries to operated _3_ separate Lego universes-- Belville, Scala, and
TrainsTrainsTrains.  We have yet to explore the possibilities of inter dimensional
contact, but the possibilities are always there:)  One of my 1999 New Year's
resolutions:  build a passenger train Belville scale...OOH OOH (ala Tim Taylor, or
Orgasm man)

-John "cross-posting wacko" Neal

Scott Edward Sanburn wrote:

To each his/her own, folks, in terms of Lego sets anyway! :)  In my
humble opinion, I think Belville is still better than Town Junior! I
liked Paradisa much better than Belville, I can't incorporate Belville
in my Lego Universe anyhow....

Scott Sanburn

John Neal wrote:

OKAY, FINE As long as we're all coming out of the closet, I like ...Belville!  And
Scala, too!!  Or, as my daughter and I like to call them, "Barbie Legos" (sic).
If you think that _any_ of those jaundiced technic guys would go for a (if they
ever made them) technic girl over a foxy, _tanned_ Belville hottie, think again!!


Simon Robinson wrote:

Funny that. I was sure I was the only one who liked the pink as well.
The main problem I had with Paradisa was I was never too keen on _white_...

Kinda - reminds me of back about 10 years ago when half the people I
knew liked Kylie Minogue singles - except for some strange reason
noone ever wanted to admit it. (OK I'll admit it - I did too) (and still do) :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I like pink (was Fence colours)
Try incorporating Scala! TLG has divided and conquered my bank account as my family tries to operated _3_ separate Lego universes-- Belville, Scala, and TrainsTrainsTrains. We have yet to explore the possibilities of inter dimensional contact, but (...) (26 years ago, 28-Feb-99, to lugnet.general,,, lugnet.trains)

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