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Re: Fence colours
Thu, 25 Feb 1999 09:25:28 GMT
1458 times
Ha ha - sorry, Scott, I think I forgot the smiley on my question.
I wasn't trying to be awkward.

But yes, if I'm thinking of the right set (6416 Poolside Paradisa)
then it is a great set, with some great looking pieces. Definitely very
high on my sets that I really wish I'd been into Lego when they were out.


Scott Edward Sanburn writes:
I got the house simply because I thought it was a neat set, and I wanted
to have a pool in my house as well. The fact that it had a good deal of
pink bricks did not concern me because I replaced them with white or
gray or black pieces. It was one of those good model with a few minor
modifications. I also did that on the beach set, and the ice cream stand
set. I just have a problem with pink bricks, I guess. But I am glad
someone likes them! To each his own, brickwise, I guess! :)

Scott Sanburn

Simon Robinson wrote:

P.S. The Pink 1x4's were in almost every Paradise set, I • have the house.
Anybody want the pink parts? :)

YES! Put them up for auction (or just sell them to me.. :-)

Put them up for auction - I'll be after those as well :)
(Us paradisa pink brick lovers come out of the closet)

But why on Earth have you got a Paradisa set if you don't
want pink bricks...?

If anyone got any blue or yellow fences to sell as well, btw then
I'd for one would appreciate an auction...


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Fence colours
I got the house simply because I thought it was a neat set, and I wanted to have a pool in my house as well. The fact that it had a good deal of pink bricks did not concern me because I replaced them with white or gray or black pieces. It was one of (...) (26 years ago, 24-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)

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