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Re: Fence colours
Mon, 1 Mar 1999 18:41:03 GMT
1567 times
Excuse my ignorance but I can't quite figure out what a gable connector
is (even after looking at the 2152 set picture.) (Come to that, what's a

Another roof brick I'd be interested in is the one for inside corners -
I remember they used to exist in the 70s but haven't seen them since.
They're like 2x2 basic bricks, except one of the studs on top is missing,
because one corner of the brick has two interlocked roof slopes. The kind
of brick you'd put in X in the diagram. (When is Lego going to release
a database of official brick names? :) )

    X------N       (N= normal corner)
Is this related to what a gable is?

And while I'm on the subject of asking lots of questions - something not from
your message, but I've seen it a few times. Samsonite era???


Take for example the new black sloped bricks service packs.  They contain all
regular sloped bricks except 2 types, the 1x2 half pyramid peaks, and the 2x2
peak gable connectors.  These just happen to be 2 pieces that were used a lot • in
recent sets (RoboForce set 2152 has 10 of the black gable connectors).  Makes
you wonder if surplus inventory is an added criteria for service packs?  Maybe
TLG has too many green bricks in inventory?  So make a service pack out of • them.

Very interesting,
Gary Istok

Mark Koesel wrote:

Mark Koesel

Gary Istok <> wrote in message
I was browsing thru some of may old fence pieces, and came across an old
parts pack from 1982, small set #1209 (in clear plastic bag) which I
purchased in Germany.  It was sold with the train accessories, and contains
6 red (2x4) pieces and 1 red (2x4) gate piece.

There are 2 other parts packs (one from 1970 (Samsonite), the other circa
1975), that also contained red fence pieces.  I don't really ever remember
seeing fence pieces in any other color as ever being in a parts pack.

Hey Gary, check this out:

Would you believe that they put red 2x4's in the same pack as black
2x3 gates?  I fail to see the logic in that.  But anyway, there is (or
rather, was) a source for the repotedly rare 2x3 gates in black.

BTW, I find it intriguing to look through all the old european
service brochures -- there were lots of cool things available.  Has
anyone ever inquired through busy bee (et. al.) as to the
availability of these.  I remember someone syaing a few months
back that busy bee still had the Lego storage containers (also from
this era), for example.

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Fence colours
(...) No problem Simon, a gable (in the context I am using it) is a peak roof piece. A gable connector is one of those 2x2 (regular sloped) peak pieces that looks like someone took a bite out of it. In a roof construction, it is used when you use (...) (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Fence colours
(...) A gable is the peak of the roof. The gable connector is the piece used to make two gables meet. It's a 1x2 peak with inverted slope sticking out the side. From the side, it looks something like this: +----- | / | / +--- Steve (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Fence colours
(...) Oh, you can get a view of it at (URL) Steve (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Fence colours
Thanks for the info Mark, I guess those 2x3 black gates aren't as rare as I originally thought. But to put them together with red fence pieces? That seems pretty strange. It makes me think that sometimes TLG puts together service packs based on (...) (26 years ago, 1-Mar-99, to lugnet.general)

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