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 Events / BrickFest / 1386
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Re: BRICKFEST MOONBASE (follow-up count)
Thu, 5 Jun 2003 19:12:11 GMT
1420 times
Adrian Drake wrote:

In, Troy Cefaratti wrote:
No, there's no standard as of yet, but that could be one of the things we
discuss.  To be honest, I'm not sure what a standard would involve.  As long as
it has room to zoom around and a place for figs to get on and off of it, I would
think thats all that would be needed.

I was thinking along the lines of a standard height and placement for the
track within the module, so that it would hookup with track from adjacent
modules without problem.  I'm not even sure if this is possible with the
geometry of the monorail track and the moonbase modules.

The reason I ask is that I would like to include a monorail station into my
module, but would like to be sure that it will line up with the monorail
track that others will be using / bringing.


I think the NWBrickCON guys just had the monorail track set to a height of two
of the large black pedestal pieces.  Add a slope to get it down to one height
and build the monorail at that level, i'd think.

At NW BrickCon we had monorail track at +0, +10, and +20 (and even a
small amount at +30 I think). +20 was necessary to clear most modules
since it turns out it's easiest to just run the track whereever.
However, if a station is actually built into a module, there also needs
to be an X-Y standard. I think the simple standard is to start with a
basis of a piece of straight monorail has it's centerline along the
boundary between two modules, and starts at one end of the module (so
three straights would exactly cover the boundary between 4 modules).
Then from this, any offset of 8 studs can be accomodated. If several
modules with built in track are intended to be placed close together,
more care must be taken because you won't have the space to put in 8
stud track segments to adjust track positions.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: BRICKFEST MOONBASE (follow-up count)
(...) David Wegmuller worked out a standard last summer that I think should be adopted. See (URL) and the ensuing thread. --Bill. (22 years ago, 5-Jun-03, to,, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: BRICKFEST MOONBASE (follow-up count)
(...) I think the NWBrickCON guys just had the monorail track set to a height of two of the large black pedestal pieces. Add a slope to get it down to one height and build the monorail at that level, i'd think. That seems to be good enough of a (...) (22 years ago, 4-Jun-03, to,

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