Re: 30223 contains co-planar polygons
Tue, 5 Sep 2000 19:48:28 GMT
1233 times
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In, Dave Schuler writes:
> In, Steve Bliss writes:
> > I'd like to see this fixed, but I don't think this deserves a "needs work"
> tag.
Yes, please. Fixes and improvements are always accepted!
> > Also, there are some instances where overlaying polygons is justified, at
> > least from the POV of the amount of work required to custom-fit the polygons.
> True enough, but mine in this case was due to a simple oversight which I
> think (hope) I've now corrected. Thanks to Travis for pointing it out!
One more comment (to everyone, not Dave) about overlapping rectangles, and why
not to use them. When this approach is used simply as a shortcut so the
author doesn't have to figure out more vertices, they can generate notice
artifacts (ie, errors) in programs that do 'shading', such as LDLite and
L3Lab. This is noticable when the edge of one polygon intersects another
polygon, but not at the second polygon's edge. This can cause a line to
appear in the second polygon.
This is noticeable in the 1x5x4 inverted half-arch. See <part:2339>.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: 30223 contains co-planar polygons
| (...) Axel Poqué has already submited an update for this particular part. I've been giving it a "second opinion" adding a fix for the ghost lines mentioned above. In my opinion this part isn't an example of overlapping faces. What happened in the (...) (24 years ago, 5-Sep-00, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: 30223 contains co-planar polygons
| (...) tag. Happily, the "bad vertex sequences" were easier to fix than I anticipated, and the part now seems to pass the L3P check-test. I'll resend it to you, if you'd like. Other than the correction, the part is more-or-less identical to the one (...) (24 years ago, 5-Sep-00, to
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