Re: the evolution of lego sorting
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 22:31:38 GMT
8808 times
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In article <>,
Frank Filz <> wrote:
> I find the resealable bag a very effective container. They are
> reasonably efficiently packed into a tub, and it is relatively easy to
> fluff them around to get the specific part or color you want up to the
> top. I mostly use freezer strength quart and gallon sizes (and wish the
> Hefty One Zip brand came in a 1/2 quart or smaller bag).
I found this didn't work as well for me; even using "brand name" bags,
I found that I wasn't completely sealing bags-of-1x2-tiles and such. Also,
the bags aren't holding up well now five years later. I think they'll
be more useful as I add more sorts of containers to my storage.
J.D. Forinash ,-. ( <
The more you learn, the better your luck gets. `-'
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: the evolution of lego sorting
| (...) The Hefty One Zip bags seal very positively. The Ziploc Slideloc bags don't always seal so well. I use freezer weight bags, which I hope will last several years (though some have been damaged by getting jammed as a drawer was opened, causing (...) (24 years ago, 11-Jan-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: the evolution of lego sorting
| (...) My evolution was: 1. sorting by size, I forget what I did with the non-bricks 2. sorting bricks by size and color, same color grouped together, still not sure how other parts were sorted 3. realized it's a pain to find the bag of yellow 1x2s (...) (24 years ago, 7-Jan-01, to
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