Re: the evolution of lego sorting
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 22:27:08 GMT
8421 times
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In article <>, Remy Evard <> wrote:
> I might turn this into an essay some day, but for now it will have to begin
> life as a series of unsupported claims. If you have any comments or
> additions, toss'em in.
I find this interesting. :)
> 2. You start sorting your Lego. You sort it by set.
I never did this one-- the concept of "set" is pretty alien to me;
it gets built once, _maybe_, as a set and then it's just parts.
> 4. You begin to sort your Lego by category: normal-looking bricks in one
> set box, other pieces in another box.
This happened fairly late for me-- actually _after_ more fine sorting. I
found I missed some of the hunting for a piece, so all my basic bricks
are in one place now. I have a relatively small for Lugnet AFOL standards
> 5. Ok, you realize you actually have to sort it. You decide to sort the
> obvious way: by color.
Color was never the obvious way to me; I have never sorted by color.
> 6. You keep sorting by color, but you get pickier about how you do it,
> and you start filtering out by type for the first time: probably the
> first things you sort out by type are minifigs and wheels. You realize
> you already had baseplates sorted out separately.
Minifigs (and minifig equipment), wheels, and landscaping material were
my first three categories. Well, and those baseplates that had been
separated for years, yeah.
Oh, and other fauna are considered "minifigs" in this scheme.
> 10. You give up and decide to sort your parts by type rather than by color.
> You go get more bins or tackle boxes or whatever your container of choice
> is, you dedicate an evening or a weekend or a month to it, and you split by
> type.
I got lucky; my best friend was job hunting and staying at my place, and in
her copious free time, she sorted legos. She enjoys sorting. *shudder*
Unfortunately, that was in 1996, and I now have about 25 gallons of unsorted
Lego at the moment. That I can't build anything with 'cause not only can I
not find pieces, I can't even remember what I've got!
> 15. You begin to develop strong opinions on Plano vs. Stak-On and
> Rubbermaid vs. Sterilite.
I did this pre-lego-sorting. I'm tough on equipment...
> 16. The original categories you made begin to follow this life cycle:
> - They grow too large to fit into their container.
> - You divide the category into two categories in order to get them
> to fit into the containers... one for each category. (Now you
> have windshields, doors, and windows, each as a different category
> of pieces, each in their own containers.)
> - You store those subcategories together, but as parts of them become
> too numerous or too hard to find, you split them out. So your tackle
> boxes now have a different compartment for each type of door.
> You realize that at this point the endgame is that you will have a
> different compartment for every type of piece you have.
I've yet to do this, actually, because I haven't actually resorted since
the Great Sort of 1996. I suspect instead of this, my next few months
will instead be Great Sort II, where I subdivide differently and switch
> 17. You rearrange your house so that you can fit your storage system into,
> hopefully, just one room.
Fortunately, it is already this way for me. Ideally, I have a 1.6M equipment
cabinet that I'd like to get it all into. I have a fairly small collection
(guesstimating only about 75,000 pieces), though.
> 24. You start looking for a new house. One with a large basement.
I'm really only at stage 15, but I'm also here at stage 24. :)
J.D. Forinash ,-. ( <
The more you learn, the better your luck gets. `-'
Message is in Reply To:
 | | the evolution of lego sorting
| Here's a description of an evolution of lego collection sorting. It might be yours, at least in parts. It's certainly been mine. I might turn this into an essay some day, but for now it will have to begin life as a series of unsupported claims. If (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jan-01, to !!
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