Re: the evolution of lego sorting
Fri, 5 Jan 2001 03:13:26 GMT
9453 times
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> 27. You decide to keep a special set or two at your desk, away from the
> huge sorting system, just to play with a few great sets without having
> to sort them. And then you add another cool set. Pretty soon
> you're digging through 3 inches of bricks trying to find that 1x1
> transparent red plate and you think about sorting your bricks...
> Of course, somewhere along the way, you probably quit buying just sets, and
> started to do things like:
> - Buy lego sets in bulk, to the point where you have 10s to 100s
> of unopened boxes.
> - Work on very large construction projects.
> - Acquire other people's collections.
> - Run large auctions over the net.
> And those bring up entirely new sorting challenges.... but those won't
> be written about tonight, at least not by me.
...You begin trading in all of your other worldly possesions, lose your
job, lose your wife, kids, and life...your family members disown you,
you begin to drool and froth at the mouth and spend the rest of your
days in a mental institution, never recognizing that maybe, just maybe,
it is possible for your LEGO hobby to get a liiiitttle out of
hand........meanwhile your entire collection is donated to billy-joe the
local redneck kid where he leaves it outside in his sandbox to be chewed
by the local raccoon and pooped on by the cat.
[ Actually I rather enjoyed this piece of writing - thanks! ]
Message is in Reply To:
 | | the evolution of lego sorting
| Here's a description of an evolution of lego collection sorting. It might be yours, at least in parts. It's certainly been mine. I might turn this into an essay some day, but for now it will have to begin life as a series of unsupported claims. If (...) (24 years ago, 5-Jan-01, to !!
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