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Re: Workspace
Thu, 29 Oct 1998 01:34:59 GMT
3445 times
mild mannered Thomas Main wrote:
or working out some sort of  ceiling that lowers to reveal my layout
(subject to more mechanical skills than I currently possess; also would
have to meet my wife's approval).
Is it just me or does this solution sound a little TOO much like
something out of a superhero comic book? Bruce Wayne's alter ego has a
full crime lab hidden in the trunk of his car—Thomas has a LEGO workshop
hidden in his ceiling. I'll leave you to your LEGOcave, please excuse me
whilst I retire to the Fortress of LEGOtude...
Bill Toenjes
ICQ UIN#17112614
wondering if someone else has ever asked your question before you post?
try:  (Deja News-Power Search)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Workspace
TooMuchDew <> wrote (...) It's a known solution. I've tried to get Sanjay to let me build him one, but he wimped out. I get out of it by having lots of space in my room dedicated to Lego. But my ceiling is high enough (...) (26 years ago, 1-Nov-98, to

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  Re: Workspace
(...) I'd like to share Ed's grumbling :) I also live in an apartment and my Lego space is relegated to some shelves behind a door and a little closet space. I think I've made the most of this space, though. I have 9 20" x 30" felt covered boards (...) (26 years ago, 27-Oct-98, to

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