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Re: LDGlite and LPub (and maybe ldview?
Thu, 14 Oct 2004 20:59:40 GMT
1494 times
In lugnet.cad, Travis Cobbs wrote:
In lugnet.cad, Don Heyse wrote:

Well, it's mostly right.  But display it over a red background, and
you'll see that the antialiasing is actually updating the destination
alpha on the whole image.  You get red bleed-through on the edge lines
in the middle of the image, as well as around the edges.

Eeek.  I was just wondering about that.  Do you have a link, or a
quick html snippit.  Is there a different opengl alpha blend fn that
I should perhaps be using?  I guess I'd better read up after all,
opengl, and png.

But I don't know what it'll look like when done at 3x and then sampled
down to 1x.  I think that's the method used for the peeron images.
Not sure about the ldraw part tracker...

I think that what it looks like will completely depend on how smart
the program is that does the resampling.  Since the source image has
all alpha at either 0% or 100%, the background color shouldn't be used
during the calculation of the resampled color.  So it might look fine.
However, if the program blends all 4 channels blindly, then it won't
look right.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LDGlite and LPub (and maybe ldview?
Note that I'm sending followups to (...) All I did was create an HTML document real quick and looked at it in Firefox. The following is the content of that document: <HTML> <HEAD> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FF0000"> <IMG (...) (20 years ago, 14-Oct-04, to lugnet.cad,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LDGlite and LPub (and maybe ldview?
(...) That would change things. (...) That color is used when you display it in a program that doesn't have any better color to use. In other words, if the image isn't put over some kind of background, the color in the image is used. (...) that the (...) (20 years ago, 14-Oct-04, to lugnet.cad)

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