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Re: MOCpages? Brickshelf? What should I do?
Thu, 26 Jul 2007 21:50:10 GMT
7364 times
In lugnet.publish, Didier Enjary wrote:
Without the team, Ldraw would have died with Jesse. And that’s basically the same problem with BS.

Is this true? Didn’t Tim Courtney establish the LDRAW committee in 1999, well after (and due to) James Jessiman’s passing in 1997? Furthermore, James was developing an open standard, he wasn’t providing a service or a selling a product. These are two very different things.

Brickshelf isn’t having problems because it is run by one person; it’s having problems because it can’t cover its operating costs. That can happen anywhere. Ford Motor Company can’t cover its operating costs either, and it has hundreds of thousands of employees.

   But who runs MOCPages? You and you alone? Not a team?
The deal is not “can I trust this guy” but “can I trust this website”.
Tell me there is a team behind you.

MOCpages doesn’t need a staff of employees to keep it running. I’m not without some help, though...

At our datacenter, a team of people are paid to back up the data every day, monitor the systems, repair or upgrade the computers, keep the power running, install security patches, and so on. Content, like reviews, are auto-moderated by MOCpages by detecting bad content (vulgar, attacking, etc). It forwards anything it’s not sure about to me for manual moderation. Soon, pages and image uploads will require moderation before becoming public... about 10 volunteers have offered to help do this.

Am I central to MOCpages? Of course! Running MOCpages part of my full time job. Could MOCpages transition to someone else if I got hit by a bus? Of course.

In this regard, MOCpages is much like LUGNET. LUGNET was run by by Todd & Suzanne for years... And they were able to disinvolve themselves and successfully transistioned the community to Rene.

- - -
MOCpages admin

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MOCpages? Brickshelf? What should I do?
(...) That's exactly what I wanted to read. Take care of you and beware of the bus. Didier (17 years ago, 27-Jul-07, to lugnet.publish, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOCpages? Brickshelf? What should I do?
(...) Hi Sean, and thank you for MOCPages. (...) Basically, I trust people. I trust people from the start. But who runs MOCPages? You and you alone? Not a team? Without the team, Ldraw would have died with Jesse. And that's basically the (...) (17 years ago, 26-Jul-07, to lugnet.publish, FTX)  

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