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Re: MOCpages, now a Brickshelf alternative
Tue, 17 Jul 2007 17:19:35 GMT
7226 times
In lugnet.publish, Joseph Williams wrote:
   would the comments that have already been made be rolled into the new framework, or just the comments made after the new functions in place?

Yes, you’ll be able to delete comments that are on there now. ...a LOT of people have been asking for this, so it’s a long time coming. :)

   it would be neat to have the various regional lugs be able to have outposts on the site where meetings, conventions, displays could be tagged from galleries within the individual lug members.

I love your ideas! :) There’s a lot of social networking that can be added to MOCpages... the framework is there, it’s just a matter of tieing things together with some good user interfaces. (MOCpages lauched before social networks and blogs were household names, but that’s basically what it is... a big community of user generated content.)

- - -
MOCpages admin

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOCpages, now a Brickshelf alternative
(...) what excellent news! I've been a very happy user of the mocpages site for a few years now, after a fellow local lego nut convinced me to jump into it, and like the voting/comments aspect of it, but the new features you've mentioned sound (...) (17 years ago, 17-Jul-07, to lugnet.publish, FTX)

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