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Re: MOCpages, now a Brickshelf alternative
Tue, 17 Jul 2007 13:20:44 GMT
6766 times
In lugnet.publish, Akos Kostyan wrote:

   Will the service be limited to MOC-related pictures?

While MOCpages will always be MOC-centric, I won’t restrict the service to just MOCs. It would be great if you could casually peruse photos from big events like Brickworld or of people’s LEGO storage systems, because these things all tie back to the same thing: doing greatness with the brick.

The MOCpages Directory has changed a bit to better support the categorization of things like set reviews and events. Let me know what else you think should be there.

   Will it be possible to mass-upload images?

Mass-upload: Yes, but not immediately. (Read: Not within the next 2 weeks.) The upload feature was written on a lot of coffee over the past 36 hours, and right now it only supports JPG files. First on the priority list to expand it to include other images formats (GIF, PNG, BMP, etc), as well as LDRAW and LDD formats.

   Will you allow deeplinks?

For now, yes, deep links will work. But this might not remain permanent, because I want MOCpages to remain a LEGO community... and not become a file server. Deep linking increases traffic while decreasing exposure to monetizing features like onscreen ads or other things. That said, it might be possible to enable deep linking for members subscribing to the “full” service... I’d like to see how traffic flows over the coming weeks before committing to an answer on this.

- - -
MOCpages admin

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MOCpages, now a Brickshelf alternative
(...) Please don't allow BMP. It annoys me greatly when I ocassionally see those space and bandwidth waster on Brickshelf. (17 years ago, 18-Jul-07, to lugnet.publish, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOCpages, now a Brickshelf alternative
Sean, I was just thinking about how cool it would be if MOCpages automatically pull the images over from BrickShelf. Thanks for doing this! I also have a few questions: Will the service be limited to MOC-related pictures? Will we have to use some (...) (17 years ago, 17-Jul-07, to lugnet.publish, FTX)

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