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Re: MOCpages, now a Brickshelf alternative
Tue, 17 Jul 2007 20:06:27 GMT
8423 times
In lugnet.publish, Dan Boger wrote:
If you follow a link of interest, and end up not buying, that IS good for the advertiser.

On top of this, click padding/click fraud throws the whole system off. The core
concept is based on a system that tracks, reports, and allows advertisers to
respond based on real interest. For instance, if I'm selling widgets and am
using click-thru based ads, I want to know what drives people's interest (free
offers? Product photos?), and what makes them actually click a banner, respond
to a page, then conduct a transaction (online purchase, email signup,
send-to-friend, whatever the metric).

This is why Google (and others) are so hardcore about the various forms of click
fraud. They absolutely will shut your account down, no matter how much money
it's earning for them or you if they catch you encouraging users to do it.

if you follow the link just to immediately close the browser (or hit
back) without even looking at the page, that's just wasting the
advertiser's money.

And it does cost money for those fake/quasi-fake clicks, especially with a
system like Google AdSense.

Jake McKee
Private Citizen
"Keeping hope alive"

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOCpages, now a Brickshelf alternative
(...) It's not like you watching a commercial though - it's like you turning on the TV when you're not home, so that the rating of a show goes up (and therefor it's revenue from commercials). If you follow a link of interest, and end up not buying, (...) (17 years ago, 17-Jul-07, to lugnet.publish)

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