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Re: Halcyon days? (was Re: Just great.)
Fri, 31 Mar 2006 15:12:26 GMT
11345 times
   Well, all right.

I don’t really care about flame-wars because they’re self-evidently juvenile and they tend to involve the same flamers over and over again. I myself have lamented what I will refer to as Rhinoceros Dominance (search for “middens” if you want to see what I’m talking about), but my recollection is that most of the protracted shouting matches went on in the “hidden” forums rather than playing out on the front page. Also, though LUGNET was smaller back then, the signal:noise ratio was much higher, so a spat between to mechophiles could go unnoticed in a flood of other, more productive posts. Often LUGNET goes a half an hour or more without a new message being posted, so when someone posts a “you’re a stinker” diatribe, it tends to linger.

Hi Dave,

You make a good point about the signal:noise ratio 1. With that I agree. I’m not sure that the dramas were so much in hidden forums as there was enough masking but either way I agree with your point.

I would be worried if I saw ‘proper’ posts being drowned out at the moment but fortunately I don’t. For example I posted an MOC two days ago which got lots of responses so I’m not too concerned ;)

   Additionally, those halcyon days didn’t support FTX, so it was less likely that someone would hotlink a an image broadcasting his colorful grasp of anatomy.

We did have a few people who were a lot more kid-unfriendly (if you’re into that sort of thing). Had someone posted hardcore porn I would share that concern but that hasn’t happened yet and I doubt it ever will.

   I’m not blindly nostalgic. I recall the early days, warts and all. But, in terms of proportion, LUGNET has become wartier and wartier as time has gone on, and I’m not sure that it’s a welcome trend.

I think the analogy is more that the face has shrunk so the warts are denser ;)

I do trust that you’re not being blindly nostalgic. Partially because I’ve seen your posts over a long period of time and have no great reason to suspect you of being self-blinding and partially because you took the time to respond in a reasonable and thought out manner. I just find it a bit untruthful when I see posts worded like yours that seem to imply that old lugnet was somehow less unfriendly.

Please don’t take my earlier post (or this one) as a criticism or an attack. It was more me just trying to add some different perspective to the ‘new vs. old’ chestnut.


1 There’s some interesting observations that can be made on the signal:noise ratio of the various posters in the latest drama

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Halcyon days? (was Re: Just great.)
(...) Well I think (URL) this> comes pretty close, but I suppose that's subjective. ROSCO (18 years ago, 31-Mar-06, to lugnet.people, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Halcyon days? (was Re: Just great.)
(...) Well, all right. I don't really care about flame-wars because they're self-evidently juvenile and they tend to involve the same flamers over and over again. I myself have lamented what I will refer to as Rhinoceros Dominance (search for (...) (18 years ago, 31-Mar-06, to lugnet.people, FTX)

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