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Re: Just great.
Thu, 30 Mar 2006 21:44:20 GMT
! (details)
4313 times
In, Lindsay Frederick Braun wrote:
In, Soren Roberts wrote:

What an incredibly crass blast of bad taste, even more so than anywhere else in
this thread.  I'm really disappointed to see that posted here under your name,

If this is emblematic of where LUGNET is heading, I want no part of it.

Often in the past we have lamented the sort of "fringe group" stigma attached to
LEGO as an adult hobby.  An air of "geekiness" or "nerdiness" seemed to linger,
no matter how many dazzling sculptures or mosaics or train layouts are
displayed.  We still seem to wrestle with the notion that LEGO is a "kid's toy,"
and I think many of us have be conscious of sideways glances as we've perused
the new items on the shelf.

I'm not a big LEGO buyer anymore, but people who know me know that I'm no
stranger to that same toy aisle, and I likewise get a little bit of that "you
like to play with what?" vibe.

Still, we persevere.  Our community includes numerous tightly-knit groups and is
always eager to rally around someone in need.  We unanimously condemned the
recent largescale theft and reselling of expensive LEGO sets from Target etc.,
and with one voice we have expressed support and cameraderie when members of
LUGNET (or their loved ones) have passed on.

Our political, social, and spiritual views run the whole spectrum, yet somehow
even those of us who disagree most strongly can find common ground in the
exchange of ideas and the sharing of MOCs.  We are not without flaws, but we
know that we can be better than the stereotype.

The stereotype envisions the AFOL as an immature loner unable to engage in
healthy social interaction.  Perhaps he lives in his parents basement, and
perhaps he's even held a woman's hand other than his mother's.  The stereotype
meshes neatly with the Comic Book guy from The Simpsons, a rude and sarcastic
misfit, misanthropic and misogynistic with little to recommend him outside of
his collection.

I am pleased to know that the stereotype is very often wildly incorrect.

And I am disappointed to see the stereotype is sometimes embodied so negatively
and so totally that long-standing members of LUGNET look back fondly to the time
when we were a much smaller group but had a much bigger sense of community.

Those days were good.  Are those days gone?

Some days it's difficult to conclude otherwise.

Message has 3 Replies:
  Halcyon days? (was Re: Just great.)
(...) I see this sort of comment with fair regularity and it makes me sad. Not because I wish for these supposed "good days" but because it means people have already reached the stage where they are forgetting/rewriting the past. I've been around (...) (18 years ago, 31-Mar-06, to lugnet.people, FTX)
  Re: Just great.
(...) I wasn't really aware this stereotype existed until now. For the record, I'm independent, reasonably polite, and perfectly capable of healthy social interaction - I just don't see Eric as a fit person to waste it on. And yes, I have done (...) (18 years ago, 31-Mar-06, to  
  Re: Just great.
(...) It seems so. I just came back (again) after a year of being on leave, Just clicked on top of the highlight list, BAAAAMM! Guys, what did you do to this place? what really is changed?.. And Eric, I remeber you from the old days of Lugnet, as (...) (18 years ago, 1-Apr-06, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Just great.
(...) What an incredibly crass blast of bad taste, even more so than anywhere else in this thread. I'm really disappointed to see that posted here under your name, Soren. If this is emblematic of where LUGNET is heading, I want no part of it. LFB (...) (18 years ago, 30-Mar-06, to, !! 

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