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Re: LUGNet is funny?!
Tue, 28 Mar 2006 10:32:53 GMT
3246 times
Hi Marco,

In, Marco Tagliaferri wrote:
   Hello folks,

during the last weeks there was really low traffic on .build.mecha. And now! Four of ten entries in the Spotlight are in this wonderful thread.

Trains is the busiest it’s been in a while too with speculation over whether or not 9V engines are here to stay. Unfortunately what people don’t like tends to get more responses than what they do like.

   This thread has already more response than Dragon by Mark Neumann. And this was one of the best builds this year!

I think a lot of people responded to this over on Classic Space Forums and/or MOCpages so it wasn’t quite as ignored as it might appear.

   Violation of ToS and other stuff seems to get higher priority than MOC. Is this the way LUGNet is going to be in future?

Not so much higher priority as wider priority. It is an issue that effects everyone, not just mecha builders.

   Don’t get me wrong. What Eric did, was not correct. It even wasn’t the first time he did it. So the reply by Timothy Gould was ok. The one by Mark Neumann too and also the one Soren Roberts did, although it is harsh IMHO. Eric’s answers to the last two were displaced.

As you said “it wasn’t the first time he did it”. This probably brought more people out to comment on it.

   So far it was ok to me. But then the crowd chimed in! Maybe I’m getting old, but I don’t remember to have read most of the names in .build.mecha during the last two years. But I neber was good in keeping names.

Addressed above.

   BTW, at the moment this thread holds the two topmost positions on the LUGNet home page. I can’t remember any MOC which received this honor.

I think people are using this thread to make a stand against something they disagree with. If Eric was a Duplo builder doing the same thing it would be in .duplo but it just so happens he’s one of yours. People probably should have moved their responses to .general or somewhere else and I considered it but wasn’t really sure where to move it.

   LUGNet isn’t fun in those days.

I’m sorry to hear that. It is important to keep in mind though that sometimes the occassional flamewar or whatever you wish to call this thread is neccessary for people to vent their annoyances. Were more people to do what Eric was doing and turn the whole of Lugnet into a billboard then it would be much less fun IMO.

   I’m sorry for that

Thank you for taking the time to write this in a non-confrontational way. I’ve seen far too many posts by people (not naming names but I hope they know who they are) which are as rude/aggressive/etc. as the behaviour they claim to dislike.


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  LUGNet is funny?!
Hello folks, during the last weeks there was really low traffic on .build.mecha. And now! Four of ten entries in the Spotlight are in this wonderful thread. This thread has already more response than (URL) by Mark Neumann>. And this was one of the (...) (18 years ago, 28-Mar-06, to, FTX) ! 

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