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Re: Just great.
Sat, 1 Apr 2006 00:43:30 GMT
4207 times
In, Dave Schuler wrote:

I am pleased to know that the stereotype is very often wildly incorrect.

And I am disappointed to see the stereotype is sometimes embodied so negatively
and so totally that long-standing members of LUGNET look back fondly to the time
when we were a much smaller group but had a much bigger sense of community.

Those days were good.  Are those days gone?

Some days it's difficult to conclude otherwise.

It seems so.

I just came back (again) after a year of being on leave, Just clicked on top of
the highlight list,


Guys, what did you do to this place? what really is changed?..

And Eric, I remeber you from the old days of Lugnet, as one of the best
creators, and one of the creators that I most admire.

Please stop it. Your rants and such is perfect reputation killers.

I didn't wanted to step in but this sentences below makes me do it:

"long-standing members of LUGNET look back fondly to the time when we were a
much smaller group but had a much bigger sense of community"

Selçuk (#4)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Just great.
(...) Often in the past we have lamented the sort of "fringe group" stigma attached to LEGO as an adult hobby. An air of "geekiness" or "nerdiness" seemed to linger, no matter how many dazzling sculptures or mosaics or train layouts are displayed. (...) (18 years ago, 30-Mar-06, to ! 

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