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Re: Halcyon days? (was Re: Just great.)
Fri, 31 Mar 2006 14:23:10 GMT
11357 times
In lugnet.people, Timothy Gould wrote:
   And I am disappointed to see the stereotype is sometimes embodied so negatively and so totally that long-standing members of LUGNET look back fondly to the time when we were a much smaller group but had a much bigger sense of community.

Those days were good. Are those days gone?

Some days it’s difficult to conclude otherwise.

I see this sort of comment with fair regularity and it makes me sad. Not because I wish for these supposed “good days” but because it means people have already reached the stage where they are forgetting/rewriting the past.

I’ve been around Lugnet since almost the beginning (lurking for at least the first couple of years) and remember RTL from as far back as 1998. I think there was a lot more sharing of ideas and conversation between themes etc. in the early days. But that was mainly because there were a lot fewer people.

What I do NOT remember is an absence of fights. As far back as I can remember there have been flamewars, public disagreements, complaints, time outs and other forms of ‘nastiness’. They tended to die off a bit quicker (maybe) but that was mainly because there were less interests at stake (ie. people who would have a problem with one side or the other).

Here are some old examples I just dug up. They aren’t all neccessarily flamewars but they certainly point towards them. The first post in lugnet.general is made on the 28th September 1998.

“I find it a little sad that one HAS to clarify obvious witticisms in order to avoid a flame war! Ho Hum...“ - Jan 1999

Swearing AND bad ldraw part design - Apr 1999

Naughty threading - Nov 1999

Lots of relevance to the current situation (and even longer) - Feb 2000

So it looks to me like the flamewars started pretty darn soon after Lugnet did.

I can understand people not liking flamewars. Personally I just ignore them if I feel I should or participate in them if I feel I should but everyone is entitled to their own opinion on things. I just can’t understand why people claim that the “good ‘ol days” didn’t have them.

Something to think about.

Well, all right.

I don’t really care about flame-wars because they’re self-evidently juvenile and they tend to involve the same flamers over and over again. I myself have lamented what I will refer to as Rhinoceros Dominance (search for “middens” if you want to see what I’m talking about), but my recollection is that most of the protracted shouting matches went on in the “hidden” forums rather than playing out on the front page. Also, though LUGNET was smaller back then, the signal:noise ratio was much higher, so a spat between to mechophiles could go unnoticed in a flood of other, more productive posts. Often LUGNET goes a half an hour or more without a new message being posted, so when someone posts a “you’re a stinker” diatribe, it tends to linger.

Additionally, those halcyon days didn’t support FTX, so it was less likely that someone would hotlink a an image broadcasting his colorful grasp of anatomy.

I’m not blindly nostalgic. I recall the early days, warts and all. But, in terms of proportion, LUGNET has become wartier and wartier as time has gone on, and I’m not sure that it’s a welcome trend.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Halcyon days? (was Re: Just great.)
(...) Hi Dave, You make a good point about the signal:noise ratio 1. With that I agree. I'm not sure that the dramas were so much in hidden forums as there was enough masking but either way I agree with your point. I would be worried if I saw (...) (18 years ago, 31-Mar-06, to lugnet.people, FTX)
  Re: Halcyon days? (was Re: Just great.)
(...) Why is it always implied that newer members are largely to blame for LUGNET's decline? It seems to me that more often than not, newer members are even more uncomfortable here than you vetrans. LUGNET more than any other LEGO fan site, seems to (...) (18 years ago, 31-Mar-06, to lugnet.people, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Halcyon days? (was Re: Just great.)
(...) I see this sort of comment with fair regularity and it makes me sad. Not because I wish for these supposed "good days" but because it means people have already reached the stage where they are forgetting/rewriting the past. I've been around (...) (18 years ago, 31-Mar-06, to lugnet.people, FTX)

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