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Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
Fri, 23 Jun 2006 19:46:48 GMT
3253 times
In lugnet.mediawatch, John Neal wrote:
   In lugnet.mediawatch, Harvey Henkelman wrote:

   I for one, would like to see the LEGO Group fail miserably, possibly even go out of business.

Look, you are entitled to your own opinion, sunshine, but really. That is about the stupidest comment I’ve read on LUGNET in a while. That is, unless you are trolling, to which I say, “good one”, because you got me to bite.


I wouldn’t call the comment stupid. I think it comes from a fan who feels let down and now questions his support of the company that made the decision that led to his disappontment.

I feel let down too. I don’t want to buy the Lego “brand” by buying bricks actually made by some other company - really, what would be the difference between that and buying any other clone brand?

I am sad that Lego is phasing out manufacutring and outsourcing more and more. I hate the idea of poor people living in sub-standard conditions making a product for the wealthy living in luxury. I think we tried that experiment before and it was called slavery then.

So, although I don’t wish Lego to fail, I am no longer going to support their business model by buying “their”/Flextronics’ products.

-- Thomas Main

Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
(...) The difference, of course, is that the facade of brand-purism would be torn down, and fans would finally have to determine whether they're purists because it's LEGO or because it's made in Enfield. There may be a legitimate issue of quality (...) (18 years ago, 23-Jun-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
(...) I'm sick to death of this equation of manufacturing in poor countries being eqivalent to slavery/evil/whatever. It is quite possible for a company to employ people at a good local income in a country where the cost of living is lower and still (...) (18 years ago, 23-Jun-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
(...) The bottom line is that TLG is a business, and they are doing whatever they feel necessary to remain in business. Some bad business decisions? Perhaps, but to blame TLG for not having perfect market vision is a little harsh. TLG is an old (...) (18 years ago, 23-Jun-06, to, FTX)
  Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
Re: LEGO migrating production to Singapore (...) Thomas Main wrote: (...) I'd just like to toss in that Singapore is a first world country, not a third world country. It's more urbanized than Tokyo, a heck of a lot cleaner than New York (where I (...) (18 years ago, 24-Jun-06, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
(...) Look, you are entitled to your own opinion, sunshine, but really. That is about the stupidest comment I've read on LUGNET in a while. That is, unless you are trolling, to which I say, "good one", because you got me to bite. JOHN (18 years ago, 23-Jun-06, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general, FTX)

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