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Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
Sat, 24 Jun 2006 00:30:40 GMT
3228 times
This recent article on Sweden seemed relevant, though Denmark is compared somewhat favorably, I still wonder about the jobs numbers.


Sweden retained the world’s highest taxes, generous social security systems and a heavily regulated labor market, which split the economy: Sweden is very good at producing goods, but not at producing jobs.... Economic growth in Sweden in the last 25 years has had no correlation at all with labor-market participation. (In contrast, 1 percent of growth increases the number of jobs by 0.25 percent in Denmark, 0.5 percent in the United States and 0.6 percent in Spain.) Amazingly, not a single net job has been created in the private sector in Sweden since 1950.

... Johan Norberg is a Swedish writer and a senior fellow at the Centre for the New Europe, a Brussels-based think-tank. He is the author of several books, including In Defense of Global Capitalism (2003).

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  Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
(...) I'm sick to death of this equation of manufacturing in poor countries being eqivalent to slavery/evil/whatever. It is quite possible for a company to employ people at a good local income in a country where the cost of living is lower and still (...) (18 years ago, 23-Jun-06, to, FTX)

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