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Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
Wed, 28 Jun 2006 16:34:07 GMT
3476 times
In, John Neal wrote:
   In, Larry Marak wrote:
I blame Canada,

Blaming Canada makes sense.

For the record, and I think I speak for Patrick as well-- he nor I were “blaming Canada”, but simply riffing on the song from the TV show South Park called “Blame Canada”. My statement was a line from the song.

My “I blame Bush” was a jab at Democrats and lefties, riffing on LFB’s humorous “I blame Galidor”.

All of this is in fun, not serious analysis:-)


I blame democrats and lefties too--they didn’t stand up for what’s right and let Dubya take all of America down the wrong path. They knew better yet, due to political expediency, kept their mouths shut and let Dubya and the administration sell off everything to big business interests and political friends.

The political capital that the US had to do anything right and just in the world was squandered away for the sake of getting Saddam and ‘spreading democracy’ (or was it WMD’s--can’t remember). Now Iran and N. Korea’s leaders are laughing any time the US ‘talks tough’ about restricting nuclear weapons programs. Iraq was truly an insignificant country on the political map compared to the aforementioned two countries, yet that’s where the US administration put its focus.

Well, I stated before this whole thing started--‘Have fun storming the castle!’ Now, of course, we see the repercussions of the unjust ‘storming’ of Iraq.

I’m not John Kerry appreciator, but someone please explain to me how a decorated Vietnam vet got mangled into looking like he was ‘soft on war’ and a president and VP that never served and had deferments and even (maybe) went AWOL looked like soldiers in action.

And now the same people that made that magic act happen are trying to do it to Rep. Murtha. Well, as Dubya himself said eloquently, “There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

Dave K

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
(...) I don't think so. There was PLENTY of screaming; it's just that the screaming didn't find a sympathetic ear amongst the US GP. (...) I don't think that they are "laughing". We proved that we aren't afraid to take action, even when the world (...) (18 years ago, 28-Jun-06, to, FTX)

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  Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
(...) For the record, and I think I speak for Patrick as well-- he nor I were "blaming Canada", but simply riffing on the song from the TV show South Park called "Blame Canada". My statement was a line from the song. My "I blame Bush" was a jab at (...) (18 years ago, 28-Jun-06, to, FTX)

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