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Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
Wed, 28 Jun 2006 20:45:47 GMT
3430 times
   I don’t know where you get this information but I think you’ll find that there is a large (and growing) middle class in China. Who do you think internet companies like Google and mobile telecom companies are targetting? They rely on a large middle class population to survive. The ultrarich aren’t certainly keeping Google afloat.
Definitely China has a massive and booming middle class. the current generation of children are called the spoiled ones, because parents in the big cities (by law) are having only one child and giving them everything they didn’t have while growing up in the cultural revolution. Summer condos, hang gliding clubs, Tony Romas are everywhere. the deliberately devalued RMB (their currency) keeps saleries low and buying power unbelievably high. It is probably a short time before more lego and mB products are sold in China than any other country.

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  Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
(...) Yes the wages and costs would rise with time. The extra money generated in the meanwhile can be used for internal job creation and raising of standards. If the business costs become too high then the business can move to a new lower cost (...) (18 years ago, 24-Jun-06, to, FTX)

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