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 Off-Topic / Debate / 27856
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Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
Fri, 23 Jun 2006 20:39:43 GMT
3232 times
In, Thomas Main wrote:
   In lugnet.mediawatch, John Neal wrote:
   In lugnet.mediawatch, Harvey Henkelman wrote:

   I for one, would like to see the LEGO Group fail miserably, possibly even go out of business.

Look, you are entitled to your own opinion, sunshine, but really. That is about the stupidest comment I’ve read on LUGNET in a while. That is, unless you are trolling, to which I say, “good one”, because you got me to bite.


I wouldn’t call the comment stupid. I think it comes from a fan who feels let down and now questions his support of the company that made the decision that led to his disappontment.

The bottom line is that TLG is a business, and they are doing whatever they feel necessary to remain in business. Some bad business decisions? Perhaps, but to blame TLG for not having perfect market vision is a little harsh. TLG is an old school business; unique, in fact. There aren’t any “right answers” to advancing their business model into the 21st century, except in hindsight. It is too easy to post in a fangroup as armchair CEOs and criticize-- certainly most of the pertinent facts are not at our disposal. Rants should be for expressing frustration out of love for the brick, not out of malice. To me that’s ignorant, stupid, whatever.

   I feel let down too. I don’t want to buy the Lego “brand” by buying bricks actually made by some other company - really, what would be the difference between that and buying any other clone brand?

I understand that the both of you feel let down. But that is a far cry from wishing economic disaster upon literally 1,000s of (more) people. I noticed that you didn’t agree with him; why not;-)

   I am sad that Lego is phasing out manufacutring and outsourcing more and more. I hate the idea of poor people living in sub-standard conditions making a product for the wealthy living in luxury. I think we tried that experiment before and it was called slavery then.

No, the converse was tried numerous times and it failed (communism). The current experiment is called capitalism and it is the most successful system around.

Would you prefer poor people living in sub-standard conditions not working? Yeah, multi-millionaires live a life of luxury. And they sail around in yachts. But the fact is that 1,000,000s of people make a decent living building/serving/catoring to these people.

   So, although I don’t wish Lego to fail, I am no longer going to support their business model by buying “their”/Flextronics’ products.

That’s your perogative, and that’s fine by me. But wishing them failure is IMO malicious and that for which is uncalled;-)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
(...) Actually, I am glad that they have work, but I would prefer it not processing raw materials for a foreign company so that people can have toys. There are other ways they could be productive -- farming, for instance. Or producing goods that (...) (18 years ago, 24-Jun-06, to, FTX)

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  Re: Massive Layoffs At Lego (in Enfield, CT)
(...) I wouldn't call the comment stupid. I think it comes from a fan who feels let down and now questions his support of the company that made the decision that led to his disappontment. I feel let down too. I don't want to buy the Lego "brand" by (...) (18 years ago, 23-Jun-06, to, FTX)

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