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Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
Mon, 22 May 2000 01:02:29 GMT
1851 times
In, Dan Jezek writes:

It should be up and about 3 weeks.

Great.  Maybe I'll be done with this round of auction by then and will be ready
to start a small shop on your site.

There is so much more stuff to add though like selecting from
multiple layouts that you want your store to look like (rebadging), the

Are you just letting us design whatever - with plugins to the DB, or are you
writing a shop design wizard or somesuch?

ability to punch in a set number and getting a result of all the parts in it,

This feature all by itself will have lots of little features to attend to.  It
is important that there be some kind of independent and multiple user
verification and that when I punch in a set number, it tells me how many people
have confirmed the counts.

Before the system goes live:
I'll need testers: about 10 people who would go in and start banging against
the database all at the same time by building up their inventorys, adjust
prices/quantities, buy items, and basically try to destroy the system to see
if it can handle the traffic.

Well, if you need us to literally bang on it at the same time, scheduling might
be a problem.  Also, since your going to be conducting this as a pay service,
you might consider offering something (like three months free service, or
whatever) to reward the time spent for the folks that help test to certain
criteria.  I'll gladly help if I'm available when you need the help.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
(...) ready (...) More like a selection of layouts you can pick from. (...) people (...) might (...) Yes I guess I could offer some kind of reward: free parts. I think I also have 700 light grey slopes left over from an ebay auction which didn't (...) (24 years ago, 22-May-00, to
  Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
(...) I'll happily test the system when the time comes. I figure my "reward" will be the added ease and convenience of having a custom system handle my parts sales and accounting/shipping. If a little of my time helps bring that about, well, bring (...) (24 years ago, 22-May-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
(...) The site is almost completed except for a seller registration section and contains 40 pages but so far, you can only sell parts there (it was originally designed for parts only). It should be up and running with an internal set reference guide (...) (24 years ago, 21-May-00, to

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