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Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
Wed, 17 May 2000 14:08:45 GMT
1111 times
In lugnet.announce, Dan Jezek writes:

I've been working on a more sophisticated version of what you see here: snipped

Dan, you're the man!  I like the look and feel of your site and hope that it
will really take off.

Here are a couple of random thoughts:

Wouldn't it be nice if sellers could simply enter the number of sets they
purchased and the DB creates corresponding part records?

Wouldn't it be nice if sets for sale can be cataloged the same way so buyers
can easily search for sets in particular themes or subthemes and receive email
alerts when new inventory is added?

These are the functions that I had hoped LUGNET would provide someday.  It
looks like you're on the right track, Dan.

Create well,

Andreas Stabno

Message is in Reply To:
  Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
Folks, I've been working on a more sophisticated version of what you see here: (URL) it will be a fully automated multi-seller version written in ASP/VB Script connected to a back-end DB where once sellers register, a link will be created to their (...) (24 years ago, 17-May-00, to lugnet.announce) ! 

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