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Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
Fri, 19 May 2000 11:03:48 GMT
1418 times
In, Mike Poindexter writes:

I would like to see an option for minimum orders on Dan's site, as I don't
want to be filling 25 cent orders all the time.

That is a good point.  I'm going to include that as a part of seller
preferences in myBrickbay.  Among other preferences will be:

* Your store name
* Selling either spare parts, official sets or custom sets
* Shipping in the U.S. only or anywhere in the world
* Methods of payment accepted
* Minimum order amount (applicable to when only selling parts)

If anyone has any other preferences that they would like to see, let me know
and I'll take them into consideration.
Originally this site was planned to be able to sell only parts but now it will
include the ability to sell official sets and custom kits.
The parts and sets will be stored in a centralized database so that sellers
can easily select them from drop-down menus.  This means there will have to be
an internal partsref and set reference guide.
I'm also thinking about including a "condition" rating system (ex: mint, near
mint, good, bad, etc.) that everyone would follow and it would be selected
when adding items to their inventory.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
(...) Good, I'd hope to be able to control as much as possible about my store. (...) Do you mean _or_ or do you mean any combination? I'd like to have folder tabs allowing me to sell any of the three options. And what about other LEGO stuff: (...) (24 years ago, 19-May-00, to
  Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
(...) Not only one of those choices Dan, I hope... I sell all three! Kevin (24 years ago, 19-May-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
Steve Bliss <> wrote in message (...) mover? (...) better. (...) I must agree. Snipers or not, I like having fixed ending auctions. As a buyer and a seller, I like to know when auctions will (...) (24 years ago, 18-May-00, to

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