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 Marketplace / Shopping / 3924
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Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
Thu, 18 May 2000 00:13:00 GMT
1215 times
Larry Pieniazek <> wrote in message
In, Julie Krenz writes:
In lugnet.announce, Dan Jezek writes:

I've been working on a more sophisticated version of what you see here

To reiterate. Someone's going to get first mover advantage. Dan has a • great
head start. Todd, if you let this slide because you want to get it just • so, you
are going to have to be WAY better to catch up.

Remember, Serious Collector is WAY better than eBay. But who had first • mover?

This market is lockupable and this market has huge N**2 connectivity
advantages. Get lots of users first and you will be unstoppable... Move it • or
lose it.

Just thought I'd toss that grenade out and now I have to board my 747.. • see you
from Germany, perhaps...

I concur that the first one to do it right will win.  Dan's site looks like
the best shot of that.  I for one will be doing a lot more parting out in
the future if I can find a way to make it easier.  Your site looks like it
would do that.  I also want to part out large sets, but I don't because of
the time involved in selling so many pieces.  I could foresee myself parting
out a lot of sets through this...

Mike Poindexter

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
(...) To reiterate. Someone's going to get first mover advantage. Dan has a great head start. Todd, if you let this slide because you want to get it just so, you are going to have to be WAY better to catch up. Remember, Serious Collector is WAY (...) (24 years ago, 17-May-00, to

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