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 Marketplace / Shopping / 3913
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Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
Wed, 17 May 2000 17:56:42 GMT
1130 times
In lugnet.announce, Dan Jezek writes:

I've been working on a more sophisticated version of what you see here:
Only it will be a fully automated multi-seller version

Count me in.  I would like to sell or trade primarily used elements.
Somewhat small-time--not on a scale as grand as yours.

Though I have not ordered anything from you, I have visited your site
numerous times simply because I like the look and feel of it very much.  I
have been attempting to write javascript code to do the same for me, but so
far I have failed.  I would be happy to be a user at your site.

Don't think you mentioned a fee schedule for users, but I would be willing
to pay a start-up fee and then have the option to kick back additional money
on a voluntary basis after successful sales.  Being locked in to paying a
hard commission would not be attractive to me but not a serious deterrent,


    Kevin Salm
    ....The biggest fan of the Gray Lego brick....

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
(...) Not having to deal with collecting and tracking payment is worth something to me. If your site does that and just lets me know who needs to be shipped to, that's worth more to me (and that's a source to collect the commission from, too) than (...) (24 years ago, 17-May-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
Folks, I've been working on a more sophisticated version of what you see here: (URL) it will be a fully automated multi-seller version written in ASP/VB Script connected to a back-end DB where once sellers register, a link will be created to their (...) (24 years ago, 17-May-00, to lugnet.announce) ! 

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