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 Marketplace / Shopping / 3917
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Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
Wed, 17 May 2000 18:28:02 GMT
1182 times
In lugnet.announce, Dan Jezek writes:

I've been working on a more sophisticated version of what you see here:


A search box will be located on the main page that will search the whole site
for the parts you need and list that for example John has it for $0.05 cents a
piece and Joe for $0.10.

As a buyer, I would like to be able in put in a list of parts, not just one at
a time, and have it return a list of who can satisfy my demand.  Vendors who
have them all, could appear first.

* Easy way to buy parts through a shopping cart

As an offshoot of what Larry said, if I could put muliple vendors' product into
my shopping cart and then make one payment for all of it that would be wildly
more attractive from the buyer's perspective, not just the sellers which was
Larry's focus.

For the sellers:

* View/update/delete items in your inventory and adjust the quantity/price for
each item.

Can I run scripts that cause price fluctuation based on whatever?  (e.g. based
on: other vendor prices, quantity remaining, quantity at other vendors', etc?)

Can I input negative quantities indicating that I'm looking for, and willing to
pay the price per?  That would be handy too.

Basically you'll be able to buy/sell anything there that's Lego-related
including parts, complete sets or custom kits.  The system is now about 95%
completed.  What I'd like to know is how many people who sell parts/sets (or
would want to sell parts/sets) would be interested in selling there?

I am.  I'm interested in getting out of my quarterly auction cycle and having
an ongoing straight sale/trade site.  This would be perfect if the price is

Thanks for reading this.

Thanks for writing it!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
(...) Looks good, doesn't it? :) (...) Not only that, I think the functionality of being able to create your own wants-list, like Larry and Tom have now, and have the system store those and then e-mail you when those parts do become available. And (...) (24 years ago, 17-May-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
Folks, I've been working on a more sophisticated version of what you see here: (URL) it will be a fully automated multi-seller version written in ASP/VB Script connected to a back-end DB where once sellers register, a link will be created to their (...) (24 years ago, 17-May-00, to lugnet.announce) ! 

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