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    Australia Tel. 0800-293-895
    Europe Tel. 00800-5346-1111
    North America Tel. 800-835-4386
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  Re: LEGO® Friends 2012 Launch
(...) I personally hope so, because my girls still miss Belville. (12 years ago, 31-Dec-11, to, lugnet.belville, FTX)
  Re: LEGO® Friends 2012 Launch
(...) The new Friends sets are beginning to appear at WalMart US. I saw about 7 or 8 of them on a shelf a few days ago. My first thought upon seeing them was "is Belville coming back ?" (12 years ago, 31-Dec-11, to, lugnet.belville, FTX)
  Re: day after Christmas clearances at Wal*Mart (US)
(...) Also, checking a few more stores, I found these marked down ... [LEGOSet 2509] [LEGOSet 8426] [LEGOSet 5891] [LEGOSet 5865] [LEGOSet 8301] [LEGOSet 5864] [LEGOSet 7306] [LEGOSet 7066] [LEGOSet 7279] [LEGOSet 8201] (12 years ago, 27-Dec-11, to, FTX)
  day after Christmas clearances at Wal*Mart (US)
The following sets were observed on clearance today at Wal*Mart (and generally at 50% off). Note that not all stores will clearance the same sets, and not all stores will have any of these left on Dec 26th. [LEGOSet 2504] [LEGOSet 2506] [LEGOSet (...) (12 years ago, 26-Dec-11, to, FTX)

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