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 Marketplace / Shopping / 3934
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Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
Fri, 19 May 2000 17:41:30 GMT
1347 times
In, Dan Jezek writes:
I'm really leaning towards the solution that you couldn't buy from more
multiple sellers at a time.  You'll have to checkout at each individual store
first before buying from the next one.  Just like in a real life shopping
mall, you either pay for the items you buy before leaving the store, return
the items back where you got them from or just leave them and let the store
empoyees clean them up.  Brickbay should function just like that.

I think this would be best for a number of reasons.  One is that if your
system stores each transaction as a separate entity, it would probably be
easier to have each transaction contain a single buyer and seller, as opposed
to a single buyer and three sellers.  That way a buyer who made purchases from
three different sellers could check in on the status of them (I think you
mentioned the seller could update the status - maybe noting a shipping date or
something) individually.  I know it could be done with multiple sellers, but
it would seem to be easier with one seller and one buyer per transaction.

I've also given a lot of thought to this:
When you add items to your cart, it will not be subtracted from the inventory
until you checkout.  This means that if someone else adds the same items to
their cart and checks out first (while you have them in your cart), your
portion will not be processed when YOU checkout.
If the items were subtracted from inventory right when you add them to your
cart and the buyer just left the site without checking out and without
emptying their cart, the items would just sit in the cart possiby forever and
things could get really messy.

Sounds good - maybe when the checkout is processed and the system discovers
the items you wanted were just bought by someone else a warning of some kind
could pop up, giving the buyer the ability to reconsider the (now) smaller

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
(...) I agree separate checkout for each store is a good idea but it would be cool if each buyer could have more than one shopping cart open at a time. In a mall you go to one store and look for everything on your list, then go to another store and (...) (24 years ago, 19-May-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Coming Soon ... (Replacement for Bricks)
(...) at (...) I'm really leaning towards the solution that you couldn't buy from more multiple sellers at a time. You'll have to checkout at each individual store first before buying from the next one. Just like in a real life shopping mall, you (...) (24 years ago, 19-May-00, to

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