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Re: Am I the only person who finds Lego CAD systems infuriating?
Thu, 1 Sep 2005 14:01:09 GMT
731 times
In, Calum Tsang wrote:
Seriously?  I've never gotten the hang of any Lego CAD system, including LDD,
MLCAD etc...I can't figure out how to do depth control with LDD for example.
I've spent the last fifteen minutes trying to make bricks stick to the virtual
baseplate...I can't seem to make the bricks "push in" such that they don't stick
in the middle of the air.  They either sit away from where I want them to be, or
they misbehave and show up one or two brick spaces in the air.  And this is not
to say I haven't used CAD systems's just all Lego CAD systems don't
seem to fit with my mental model of how to place bricks around.

I was so eager to try out LDD/Lego Factory ever since I started listening to the
BrickFest's such a cool idea.  But using the tool is

In the same time in building this house, I could have built my little virtual
house with real bricks.  Hell, I could have driven to Walmart, bought a bucket
of Lego, drove back, built the house, and have eighteen photos shot with my DSLR
and up on Brickshelf by now.  :)

Hi Calum:

I’ve done reasonably extensive MOC-modeling, and I’ve written a large number of
parts, so I like to think that I’m no slouch re: LEGO-based CAD.  However, I’ve
never had success with any platform other than the original LEdit.  Every other
system I’ve tried either displays poorly on my monitor, renders too slowly, or
is simply not compatible with the way my brain works, so I stick with the basic
system and I do just fine.  Admittedly, I’ve never tried to do much with
flexible elements like hoses or string, and I’ve never generated a viable mpd
file, but I’ve become pretty fluent with James Jessiman’s original application.

I use Lars Hassing’s excellent L3Lab and L3P applications as well, but those are
more for display than for the actual writing of the parts or models.

To those who have mastered MLCad and all the rest, I salute you.  But I’m
comfortable with LEdit.  Heck, I’ve been using it for somewhere around eight
years by now—I’d hope that I’m comfortable with it!


Message is in Reply To:
  Am I the only person who finds Lego CAD systems infuriating?
Seriously? I've never gotten the hang of any Lego CAD system, including LDD, MLCAD etc...I can't figure out how to do depth control with LDD for example. I've spent the last fifteen minutes trying to make bricks stick to the virtual baseplate...I (...) (19 years ago, 30-Aug-05, to ! 

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