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Re: Am I the only person who finds Lego CAD systems infuriating?
Wed, 31 Aug 2005 01:08:23 GMT
708 times
In, Calum Tsang wrote:
Seriously?  I've never gotten the hang of any Lego CAD system, including LDD,
MLCAD etc...


I'm with you 100%.

I complained to TLC when LEGO Creator came out that it was infuriatingly not
useful. Why can't we select, copy, paste, shift+click, ctl+click, etc like most
other PC and Mac graphics and CAD applications? Why do they have to reinvent the
wheel and make a totally new paradigm for us to learn/discover? Why isn't there
a menu with File, Edit, View, Help, etc. and a spreadsheet view where I can
change values by numbers or dropdown lists? Why can't I click on major elements
in a simplified parts palette like "brick", or "plate", or "tile" and then dial
in the width, length, height, and color?

At the opening of LLCA, I spoke with the guy in charge of CAD development who
assured me they were addressing these problems in Creator II.

Fast forward 6 years.

Now we have LDD and it's not getting any easier. They are following the
Microsoft/rest-of-world software development scheme which is to always add
features without fixing the basics. Drives me nuts!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Am I the only person who finds Lego CAD systems infuriating?
(...) I understand why Lego Creator/LDD/whatever has a different interface, same as why I understand the Mindstorms interface is the way it is versus similar to a regular IDE like VisualStudio (eg BricXCC). When I see kids use the Mindstorms "block (...) (19 years ago, 31-Aug-05, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Am I the only person who finds Lego CAD systems infuriating?
Seriously? I've never gotten the hang of any Lego CAD system, including LDD, MLCAD etc...I can't figure out how to do depth control with LDD for example. I've spent the last fifteen minutes trying to make bricks stick to the virtual baseplate...I (...) (19 years ago, 30-Aug-05, to ! 

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