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Re: What is a "review"?
Wed, 9 Jan 2002 01:23:29 GMT
2200 times
"Allan Bedford" <> wrote in message
In lugnet.general, Paul Sinasohn writes:
He was summarily fired.

Does this mean I have to fire myself?  D'oh!

To speak to Maggie's original posting.  I do hope no one sees this site as
anything close to real journalism.  I'm not working for anyone, so I am in
no sense a journalist.

As well, as I've mentioned, this is not a commercial site of any kind.  No
one's paying for this site (other than me) and no one's making or • attempting
to make any money from it.

A review written for a newspaper or magazine is something professional;
something you pay for.  A review on my site is something silly; something • I
didn't imagine anyone would take so seriously.  :)

I'll chime in here in agreement with Allan.  I don't see a reason why his
website or his work had to be nitpicked apart.  His site is a place for him
to express his opinions, and he can do so in whatever way he pleases.

I'm quite happy that he's spending the time to put up the Expert Builder
site.  It sends an important message that isn't heard a lot.  Here, we're
too busy pulling LEGO in our direction (the AFOL community) and some people
are too concerned with their own image in the eyes of LEGO to give honest
constructive criticism and honest praise.

Allan isn't one of those people, and I appreciate it.  Allthough I am one of
the people touting the importance of the AFOL community to the company's
agenda, Allan's message is an important one.  Its in LEGO's best interest to
fill the needs of all of its customers, and to stay true to its roots.  This
doesn't mean LEGO can't or shouldn't expand to new markets, it just
shouldn't abandon what made them great.

Get Allan talking about his father and the Meccano company sometime (private
email) and you might understand.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: What is a "review"?
(...) I don't agree that it's nitpicking when he has posted announcements on LUGNET about his site and its reviews, makes the statement on his website that "...there will be honest and sometimes funny reviews " and then goes on to "review" sets he (...) (23 years ago, 9-Jan-02, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What is a "review"?
(...) Does this mean I have to fire myself? D'oh! To speak to Maggie's original posting. I do hope no one sees this site as anything close to real journalism. I'm not working for anyone, so I am in no sense a journalist. As well, as I've mentioned, (...) (23 years ago, 9-Jan-02, to lugnet.general)

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