Re: Voting Open for LCAD Parts Update 2000-01
Tue, 18 Apr 2000 17:39:28 GMT
2344 times
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On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, Fredrik Glvckner wrote:
> Rui Martins <> writes:
> > [...SNIP...]
> > Not exactly, see what I mean in the following example image:
> >
> I don't think any parts author would ever think about overlapping a
> complete half disc: It would obviously be better to use a half disc in
> the first place.
> What John meant above was, if I understood him correctly, a disc with
> a diameter larger than the quad's height. That way, the problem is
> non-trivial, and using a non-overlapping method would obviously need
> more triangles and (much) more work from the parts author's side.
Maybe he meant something like:
And as you can see, not more polygons, but actually less.
as a rule of tumb, "less points implies less polys".
NOTE: both examples could be even more simplified (less points) if we removed
the disc center point.
> I don't think we should have any rules against overlapping polygons of
> the same colour. That would impose far too much work on the parts
> authors.
Not a Rule, just a "guideline", authors are NOT obliged, but they are
encouraged to do it, because it's better.
And as you can see from my drawings it's NOT difficult to avoid. At least I
don't think so.
> It would also set the LDraw language back with respect to
> versatility, in my opinion.
By what I have said above, NO drawback, or lack of versatility.
When Authors/Users start to see the benefits they will strive for better parts,
with such a tiny extra effort.
See ya
Rui Martins
Message has 3 Replies:  | | Re: Voting Open for LCAD Parts Update 2000-01
| (...) LDraw code? With a circular shape having 16 segments, not eight as in your diagrams. If you think that is simpler for the parts authors (or that it requires a "tiny extra effort") as compared to superimposing a quad and a disc (two lines of (...) (25 years ago, 19-Apr-00, to
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