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 Robotics / 26169
26168  |  26170
Re: Have you got your NXT yet?
Mon, 3 Jul 2006 08:26:14 GMT
4769 times
3) I noticed that motor power is not the same as motor speed. I set power to
1% and the bot would not move (too heavy) but if I picked it up the whells
would turn slow. So then tried to move slow at 100% power by looping many
times of 1 degree movement at 100% power but this was not a smooth motion -
it just jerked  along forward. I wonder how to accomplish this.

If you check "Control: Power Power", the motor speed will be regulated. At very
low power settings (<10) it may be somewhat unstable. This checbox is available
with "Motor" block, not "Move" block.

4) I can't seem to get a parallel processes within a loop. The NXTG software
doesn't let me. Although I can make user block with parallel processes and
then put in a loop.

Unfortunately, you're right...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Have you got your NXT yet?
(...) I'm not so sure. Try the following technique on your copy, in case something is broken in my version of the editor. To make a parallel sequence, you just drop an orphan block (one not attached to an existing sequence) and then wire a sequence (...) (18 years ago, 5-Jul-06, to lugnet.robotics, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Have you got your NXT yet?
I ordered mine from Target online. They had a deal for 10% everthing, so with tax and shipping it still worked out to less than $250. The web site says delivery for end of July, but I received mine on June 30. So far have built only the demo Tribot (...) (18 years ago, 3-Jul-06, to lugnet.robotics)

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