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Re: A fan no more
Mon, 12 Jul 2004 05:23:54 GMT
13135 times
In lugnet.general, Jindrich Kubec wrote:
"Kevin L. Clague" wrote:
Do you have any evidence to back up this outlandish claim?  Studded beams (that
are still available in technic sets)

Where exactly?
No studded beams in 8436, 8451, 8453, 8454, 8441, 8455, 8434, 8433,
8435. These are 'Technic' sets from last 2 years.

Studless parts really seem to be the parts that people have issues with.

I don't think the people have issues with studless beams per se. I think
they have issues with replacement of all studded beams with studless
beams in all new Technic sets. And - this is _not_ just a part
replacement. This is a different building system. Everything I built
from LEGO in past 25 years (with more than few years of a 'pause') was
bottom-to-top building, including all the Technic sets I have. Except
the Backhoe, of course.

I don't simply like the inside-to-outside building style. Studless-only
doesn't bring anything positive in my eyes. Resulting constructions are
'wiggly' and the construction itself is unnecessary complex to be
enjoyable for me. Don't talk 'robots' or something. Take 8880 or 8480
and tell me it would be _better_ in studless. Don't forget to define

I think that 8455 would be _better_ with studded parts. It would have
much stronger frame, could be _easily_ motorized or even styled with
standard bricks (new slopes/wedges are good examples for that). And it
would be bigger. I was _really_ disappointed by Bachhoe's size. Big is
beatiful ;-)

Studless parts have stud holes and also make good gender changers.  Ever need to
have a double female plate?  Try joining two plates studs into a studless beam.

I've read somewhere that putting the studs in Technic holes is not a
recommended technique. It does wear the parts too much. I can't find
that message now though.

We've just seen a studded fan build a the new crane truck and start to
appreciate the studless beams.  Yes, they are not as strong as studded beams,
because they don't have as much ABS.  Then again, they can be used in geometries
not achievable with studded beams.

I don't think that anybody argues on usefulness of studless beams.

- they are displacing studded parts, and therefore will be studded brick's
demise.  I don't buy it.

Isn't this fact proven by the existence of the sets I named above? [I'm
still talking _only_ about the Technic line]. You don't name set Technic
because it contains some parts which were used in old Technic sets. My
childhood's favorite set 744 had studded beams, pins, gears but was not

I'd be happy to analyze your case that new technic is incompatible with the rest
of the LEGO line.  Do you have *any* facts to back this up?

Take 3033 and 8479. Build something.
Take 3033 and 8455. Build something.

I know this is an extreme example, but it doesn't make my points

Right now I have reasonable amounts of 'old' Technic, and I'm going to
vote by my vallet. Ie. no more new Technic sets. I have 2 old on my
wishlist (Crane Truck, Airtech Claw Rig), after that I'm 'finished' with
Technic purchases. The money are going to Designer Sets which have now
more appeal for me.

Thanks, I'm pretty sure that was what I was trying to say when I got everyone so
angry.  You said it a lot better though.  A lot of old technic models had
studdless beams, but they didn't go overboard.  I was asking what now defines
Lego.  Current lego doesn't have to have studs or tubes in entire models, and t
can still be called Lego.  I did say later after everyone started complaining
about my viewpoint that 8455 is possibly best how it is, but I suppose you're
right, the reason I thought it wouldn't work was due to size, rather than
accepting the fact that bigger might be better.  A bit off my current tangent,
who can honestly say the one on the left looks better?

bye for now,

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: A fan no more
(...) I can't speak for anyone else, but I wasn't angry. Every time this subject comes up, I keep hoping to see some more specific instances where the old-style TECHNIC works better, but all I ever see is "everything". It's clearly not true, or (...) (21 years ago, 12-Jul-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: A fan no more
(...) The advantage of Technic bricks over liftarms comes when you want to add some Technic features (gears, etc.) to a mostly-non-Technic model. But for a purely Technic model like these dune buggies, the studless liftarms provide a much cleaner (...) (21 years ago, 12-Jul-04, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A fan no more
(...) Where exactly? No studded beams in 8436, 8451, 8453, 8454, 8441, 8455, 8434, 8433, 8435. These are 'Technic' sets from last 2 years. (...) I don't think the people have issues with studless beams per se. I think they have issues with (...) (21 years ago, 11-Jul-04, to lugnet.general)

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