sebarile-MOBL wrote:
> Great topic. And many of us train heads have thought of this is several very
> similar ways. Some even doing it (train guild, MOC sales...) But to even
> partially realize a spin off there would need to be at least a million
> upfront. Run the numbers on creating one years new line, 7 sets. It's
> staggering to think about the shear number of elements (with different
> colors) needed to complete 7 sets, ~800, ~1000?
Not at all. I thought 100 new parts would be plenty. Maybe 50 new each year.
Child's play.
> Then multiple that by a bulk
> minimum order per element, not to mention LEGO factory loading schedules.
> Now packaging, instruction printing. And would we go mail order? If not then
> distribution costs... All this and no new element design or tool
> manufacturing costs figured in.
> BTW count me in if you have some inventors lined up, I'd pony up a bit!
Alllllrighty now, Stevo's in for a mil-- any others?
> SteveB
> BrickWorx International ;D
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