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 Technic / 4832
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Re: Yet Another Technic Creation
Fri, 4 May 2001 02:38:22 GMT
1592 times
Thanks for sharing, Jennifer!

Once again, a remarkable model documented with an excellent web page!  I
wish I had your perseverence both for building and documenting.
Congratulations on a job well done!

Build On!
John Matthews

Jennifer Clark <> wrote in message
Hello again folks,

I have finally completed the web page for my latest Technic creation, a
radio controlled Technic figure scale 8x4 truck with a hook lift system
which allows the tipping and loading/unloading of skips (dumpsters). As
well as the usual MPEG videos, I have included DAT files for all the
working parts of the model. It can be found here.

Jennifer Clark

Message is in Reply To:
  Yet Another Technic Creation
Hello again folks, I have finally completed the web page for my latest Technic creation, a radio controlled Technic figure scale 8x4 truck with a hook lift system which allows the tipping and loading/unloading of skips (dumpsters). As well as the (...) (24 years ago, 2-May-01, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.technic, lugnet.robotics,,, lugnet.modelteam) !! 

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