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Re: Yet Another Technic Creation
Fri, 4 May 2001 19:59:28 GMT
2776 times
"Jennifer Clark" <> wrote in message
Duq wrote:

Sounds familiar. I think I've built 10 chassis' for my crane before I • was
satisfied. I lost count with the number of boom lifting mechanism I

The tinkering is probably the best bit though, if it were too easy then it
would be no fun.


What's more: the tinkering bit is all the fun. Once the crane worked I lost
interest and couldn't wait to take it down and start something else....
Of course then Murphy came along and 20 odd things happened that have kept
me from building lately, but that's life I guess....


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Yet Another Technic Creation
(...) The tinkering is probably the best bit though, if it were too easy then it would be no fun. Jennifer (24 years ago, 4-May-01, to lugnet.technic)

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