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Re: How did you come out of your Dark Ages?
Sat, 25 Nov 2000 07:45:03 GMT
777 times
In lugnet.people, Kevin Zwicker writes:
I was wondering if any of you had any interesting stories about what
prompted your exit from your Dark Ages. Was there a specific set? Did you
visit someone with a layout? Did you immediatety go on a shopping spree?

I have always loved building blocks, Lincoln Logs, etc. but I didn't
discover Legos until 3 years ago!!! Absolutely fell in love with them even
though I am almost 40 now and mother of 3 boys! Surprised everyone when I
insisted all I wanted for Xmas, birthday, etc. was Lego. I couldn't get
enough! Every night building a new set.. especially boats, castles, western,
and model team.

Legos actually have brought great joy and closeness in my family. I feel
very creative playing with Legos and this enthusiasm has been passed on to
my boys. They use them for school projects (once a very unimaginative,
burned out teacher gave my son a C for an Egytian Pyramid 3 feet tall he
built for 6th grade history. He had built separate chambers and secret
passageways throughout the pyramid) She thought Legos were not a good
learning tool for kids. Boy, did she get an earfull from me!! Got the grade
changed to an A when she realized how hard he worked to design it.  Jody

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: How did you come out of your Dark Ages?
(...) <nod, nod> I never had a true dark age, but I had a few years of "dim ages" in which I only went up to the attic (the "lego" room) once in a few months... it went off and on. I had more weird looks from my family than from my friends; my older (...) (24 years ago, 25-Nov-00, to lugnet.people)

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