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 Off-Topic / Debate / 10107
10106  |  10108
Re: A Lego display fund raiser
Tue, 1 May 2001 17:42:34 GMT
337 times
In, Tony Hedglen writes:
I apologize to you and you still accuse me of things. The only confusion I
have is you. Do you think the club is a business or a club? I’m not in the
club to make money; I’m not in the club to support a certain group. I’m in
the club to have fun. What do you think the club is? Why are you in the
club? Do you have the money to have a big train show in a neutral
environment where anybody could be there? My church is asking the club to be
there to attract people. Isn’t that what the train show is all about?

  Tony, please allow me to express my perspective, as a disinterested third
  In the above snippet you point out that the church (by definition, I think
we'll agree, a religious institution) would like the club (a group of
individuals of largely differing backgrounds and faiths) to be there (at the
church) to attract people.  Can you see where this request might make some
people uncomfortable?  Would you, for instance, be willing to have the club
appear at a KKK rally, or at a meeting of the local Church of Satan? It
can't be denied that these groups espouse ideals not necessarily shared by
everyone in the club, and certain club members might understandably not be
comfortable to have the club as a crowd-attractor at such a function.  It's
the same thing with the church; regardless of its particular views, some
people in the club don't want the club to become a marketing tool for those
  To answer your question, the club is most certainly not "all about"
attracting people to the church.

Where dose the money from the train shows goes? What is the club supporting?
Maybe the owner of the building buys drug and gives them to little children.
Did you question were the money goes for the Novi shows? The reason you have a
problem is because this show is for a Christian cause. It also seems you’re
the only one in the club who has a problem. Why dose it matter anyway?  Why
do you not want to be associated with a Christian group? Now that is the
truth. There is no real reason to debate this. You don’t want to go then
fine. That’s all you have to say. You’re making a big issue out of your own

  It's not a matter of money or even of personal religious views; it's a
desire not to have the club seen to represent a particular faith or agenda
if it does not in fact represent that faith or agenda.  If the club as a
whole (or as a majority) decides not to support a particular organization,
so be it.  If, for example, the Libertarian Party wanted the club to appear
at its Convention, and if the club voted not to participate, I have no doubt
that Larry would support the club's decision, even if he didn't agree with
it personally.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: A Lego display fund raiser
(...) Good example Dave! (1) I'll go a lot farther than that. I wouldn't even think to *ask* such a thing because I understand that it's not appropriate for a club (as a club) to be seen as espousing a particular view. This distinction is totally (...) (24 years ago, 1-May-01, to
  Re: A Lego display fund raiser
(...) I will reply to you. Dave! I don’t know where you came from. The questions I asked were for Larry not you. You jump in here like you’re a part of something. If Michlug decided to put a show on for the KKK. I would not go. I’m not going to make (...) (24 years ago, 2-May-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A Lego display fund raiser
I apologize to you and you still accuse me of things. The only confusion I have is you. Do you think the club is a business or a club? I’m not in the club to make money; I’m not in the club to support a certain group. I’m in the club to have fun. (...) (24 years ago, 1-May-01, to

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