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Re: Harry Potter (Film) Set
lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 17:53:48 GMT
1665 times
In, Gary Istok writes:
Gloucester (pronounce "glou-ster" where the "glou" rhymes with a ships "bow" )

You'd make a great American tourist over here, I bet you say "Edinburrow"
too? :-) I'd say it as "Gloss-ster"

Scott A

Cathedral is not considered one of the more famous medieval cathedrals in
England (Canterbury, York, Winchester, Salisbury, Lincoln, Ely, Westminster,
Exeter, Wells), but it is one of the most dramatic.  The Norman Romanesque • nave
is rather dark and low, but it opens up to one of the most wondrous spaces in
all of medieval architecture, the high Gothic choir.  After entering the
medieval world of the nave, most visitors are startled and amazed by the vast
open well lit space of the choir, which is more like a 21st century space • rather
than a 14th century medieval one.  It opens up to the Great East Window, one • of
the largest Stained Glass windows in the world.  King Edward II, (the pathetic
son of the English king in the movie "Braveheart"), was murdered in 1327 (with
the duplicity of his queen Isabella)  and buried in Gloucester Cathedral, • making
his the most famous tomb in the cathedral.

Anyway, I digress.  But Gloucester Cathedral would not only make a great • setting
for a Harry Potter film, but also a great LEGO building.

Gary Istok

Steve Anderson wrote:

I know this is going on a bit and a little off topic, but my mum can confirm
that the opposition to Harry Potter being filmed in Gloucester Cathedral
consists of a middle-aged couple connected with the Elim Pentecostal church
in Gloucester (typical for a Pentecostal church, it's based in an old
cinema...) who are against the books and the film because sorcery is
forbidden in Deutronomy 18, v9-10 (apologies if that's wrong, I'm hardly an
expert) and they can't allow something forbidden by God to be filmed in a

So far they are the only opposition, and they've written a stern letter to
the Dean of the Cathedral (who disagrees, and thinks the books are great),
Warner Bros and Bloomsbury...


"Lorbaat" wrote in message
In lugnet.castle, Eric Joslin writes:
In lugnet.castle, Scott Arthur writes:
Not sure is this is old news, but I have just heard that Harry Potter • The
Movie is to use Gloster Cathedral as the Main Set.

Actually, the old news that I has heard (from was • that the
C of E turned down the request because they weren't happy with the idea • of one
of their cathedrals being turned into a wizard's school.

Never let it be said that I don't admit when I'm wrong:

Dark Horizons ( reports today that
Gloucester Cathedral *will* be used.  Thinking back, it may well have been • that
Canterbury was up for it but turned down the production.  I'm relatively • sure
that the C of E were the ones who quashed it, but I suppose the article • could
have been inaccurate- or could have assumed that whatever officials turned • the
production down were speaking for all churches.

Anyway, this is great news from my perspective, as it means Lego might • well
introduce elements that will make Gothic structures easier- like maybe • gothic

Anyway, it should be kept in mind that both Dark Horizons and Ain't It • Cool
News are *rumour* sites, so until they are reporting that filming has • started,
I wouldn't necessarily bet any money on anything.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Harry Potter (Film) Set
(...) So how DO you pronounce Edinburgh? Maggie C. (who notices that the locals in Louisville, New Orleans, and Baltimore pronounce the names of their cities different from the way the rest of us do) (25 years ago, 17-Aug-00, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Harry Potter (Film) Set
Gloucester (pronounce "glou-ster" where the "glou" rhymes with a ships "bow" ) Cathedral is not considered one of the more famous medieval cathedrals in England (Canterbury, York, Winchester, Salisbury, Lincoln, Ely, Westminster, Exeter, Wells), but (...) (25 years ago, 17-Aug-00, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,

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