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 Castle / 5666
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Re: Harry Potter (Film) Set
lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,
Wed, 9 Aug 2000 04:25:38 GMT
1482 times
In lugnet.castle, Gene Weissinger writes:
Is there a lugnet.harrypotter in our future?

I think (pure speculation) that the movie will be primarily CG - think about
Hagrid - he just wouldn't be done 'right' with the old styles of filming

I've heard Robby Coltrane is supposed to be cast as Hagrid, but I hope they'll
use a bit of CGI trickery (as in the Merlin, Arabian Nights, and other tv
series and the hobbits in LOTR).

- Sean

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Harry Potter (Film) Set
Todd, Is there a lugnet.harrypotter in our future? I think (pure speculation) that the movie will be primarily CG - think about Hagrid - he just wouldn't be done 'right' with the old styles of filming tricks... Gene (25 years ago, 9-Aug-00, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,

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