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Re: MPD spec
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 15:09:38 GMT
907 times
In, Steve Bliss writes:

I think the MPD standard should include scoping/visibility rules, so
FILEs in an mpd are only available from within that MPD, not from other
DAT/LDR/MPD files.


I think so, too. I see MPD files almost like ZIP files. I know that there
are differences, like inside WinZip you can generally only view standalone
files without unzipping them first. (The reason I reignited this thread was
I wanted to make an MPD utility with an interface similar to WinZip). With
very few expections, you'll have to extract the zipped files you wish to
access. I think the same should apply to MPD files. MPD's are a little bit
less "open" than LDR's and DAT's

One more thing is that the more complicated we make the LCad file specs, the
fewer programmers will be able to contribute. I'm already completely lost
with some of the newer features.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MPD spec
(...) Me too. And originally, you actually had to split a MPD file before you could view the contents. I would prefer that we stick to this way of treating MPD files as if they are splitted/unpacked before their content is processed. (...) That is (...) (23 years ago, 6-Aug-02, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MPD spec
(...) Good question. Different programs have more (or less) success at handling this. L3Lab seems to have no trouble with it. LDLite usually does ok, but not always (unfortunately, I don't have an example). (...) There's no special syntax, the (...) (23 years ago, 6-Aug-02, to,

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