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Re: I hate MOCPages
Thu, 2 Sep 2004 21:18:17 GMT
1634 times
Hey Anthony,

I agree about the worthlessness of some of the posters.  With my Tolkien stuff
there are a large portion of people who write how I'm an idiot because my
creations didn't match with Peter Jackson's interpretation of Tolkien's book.
My favorite is probably this:

"Ok, think about it. Do you think more people read the stupid book or watch the
f*ckin movie? The movie, I thought so."

I've got a couple of posters--T and MonkaDogaBad--who went through and rated
most of my creations as 1 and gave fairly dumb comments.  I requested that the
actual obscene ones be deleted, but ignored the others.

I agree that it would be ideal if the only people allowed to make comments were
people with their own MOCpages (with real content), and all comments linked back
to the poster's own page.  If you, for instance, have suggestions on how I can
change a MOC, I'm gonna listen.  If some 10 year old wants to tell me I suck,
well, it's not really going to impact my day any.


Message is in Reply To:
  I hate MOCPages
Now before you climb up onto your high horse, let me begin by saying I love MOCpages, and I think Sean Kenney is doing the community a great service. But I hate the users on MOCpages, at least a few of them. Since I've joined, but over the last six (...) (20 years ago, 2-Sep-04, to lugnet.general) !! 

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